Sunday, February 12, 2012


In order to solve a question with multiple operations (add/subtract, multiply/divide) there is an order to follow often referred to as 'BEDMAS'
BEDMAS is an acronym that stands for;

DM-multiply or divide (left to right)
AS-add subtract (left to right)

this is to help students remember what order to do the work in.

Here is a similar question,

(3 + 6) - 8 × 3 / 24 + 5

Following BEDMAS, we need to start with B-brackets,

(3 + 6) - 8 × 3 / 24 + 5
= 9 - 8 × 3 / 24 + 5

Then E-exponents, none, followed by DM-divide multiply (left to right),

= 9 - 8 × 3 / 24 + 5 (multiply)
= 9 - 24/24 + 5 (divide)
= 9 - 1 +5

And finish with AS-add subtract,

= 9 - 1 +5
= 8 +5
= 13

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