Sunday, November 13, 2011

Textbook pg. 137-139
it says use a calculator.. but.. oh well.. :P lets do this mentally!... most of it mentally..

a) 13/25 <-- lets pretend it looks like this13


so for "a)" we need to round it to tenths! if we're going to turn fractions to decimals...

what are decimals??

~Quick lesson~

Decimals are always over one..

eg. _ /1

one is your denominator


so, lets start^^

if 25 is our denominator, how much do we have to divide it by to get one? ... you know the answer....

so divide 25 by 25 and you'll get 1. and what ever you do to the bottom you'll have to do it to the top. 13 divided by 25 is 0.5200 (what it says on my calculator)

round 0.5200 by tenths = o.5

so our answer is 0.5/1

Lets do the rest now! :D

b) 107/215 . 215 divided by 215 = 1 . 107 divided by 215 = 0.4976 (like how it says on the calculator again) 0.4976 round it off by hundredths = 0.50 . our answer is 0.50/1

c) 43/50 . 50 divided by 50 = 1. 43 divided by 50 = 0.860. 0.860 round it by tenths = 0.9

so our answer is 0.9/1

d) 197/289 . 289 divided by 289 = 1 . 197 divided by 289 = 0.6817. 0.6817 round it by thousandths = o.680. so our answer is o.680/1

Hope you learned at least something :)

sorry i didnt put a picture or anything. im really tired -____-'' LOL

1 comment:

  1. Good job but its hard to understand how you get the answer for 13/25 you should have put a video for easy understanding. And 13/25 answer should be 0.52/1 because 13 is more than half of 25
