Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Math Notes!

Percent- Out of 100 E.g. 40% = 40/100
3% = 3/100 (if you understand keep reading)

Find percents of a number using a ratio table. Find 50% of 16
Ratio Table
÷2 100|16 ÷2
÷2 50|8 ÷2
What you do on the left, you do the same on the right.

Find 25% of 20
% | #
÷2 100|20 ÷2
÷2 50|10 ÷2
÷2 25|5 ÷2

Find 75% of 40
% | #
÷2 100|40 ÷2
÷2 50|20 ÷2
÷2 25|10 ÷2
÷2 75|30 ÷2

Find 60% of 30
% | #
÷2 100|30 ÷2
÷5 50|15 ÷2
x6 10|3 ÷2
60|18 ÷2

Find 12.5 of 64
% | #
÷2 100|64 ÷2
÷2 50|32 ÷2
÷2 25|16 ÷2
÷2 12.5|8 ÷2

a/b Both Whole #'s e.g 1/2

a/1 e.g 0.5/1

a/100 e.g 50/100 or 50%

an example question about what we are or have to learn.
÷4 x100
1/4 = 0.25/1 = 25/100 or 25%
÷4 x100
Remember what you do on the top you do on the bottom!

Homework Question and my answer!:

Find 37.5% of 48
÷2 100|48 ÷2
÷2 50|24 ÷2
÷2 25|16 ÷2
÷2 12.5|8 ÷2
x3 37.5|24 x3

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